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de Lee Kernaghan / an -


My mate said don't get on that horse

He's made a fool of better men than you

But I was young and foolish

Not to mention being stubborn like a mule

One second I was in the air

Next I was feet up kissing dirt

Through the haze I heard a voice say

'Bring the doctor I think the boy is hurt'


Doctor, the light is growing dim

And I've heard a calling from the other side

Doctor there's so much I haven't done

And there's that sparkle that I've seen in Becky'e eyes

Oh doctor I'm too young to die

They took me to a shady spot

And the doctor took one look and softly spoke

'There's really nothing I can do

Bring his mther I think his back is broke'

it was then I heard a voice say

Something bout a good for nothing son

Why'd you go and do a thing like that

Bring the preacher I think his time has come


The darkness fell around me

And up ahead the paerly gates came into view

Saint Peter said 'Hey cowboy c'mon in,

We've been expecting you'

But I said doctor, the light is growing dim

and I've heard a calling from the other side

Doctor there's so much I haven't done

And there's that sparkle that I've seen in Becky'e eyes

But Isaid Doctor the light is growing dim

Doctor there's so much I haven't done

Doctor I'm too young to die

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