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I am you and you are me

Why's that such a mystery?

If you want it you got to believe

Who are we? We're who we are

Riding on the great big star

We've got to stand up if we're gonna be free yeah

If you want it you got it

You just got to believe

Believe in yourself

'Cause it's all just a game

We just want to be loved

The Son of God is in our face

Offering us eternal grace

If you want it you've got to believe

'Cause being free is a state of mind

We'll one day leave this all behind

Just put your faith in God and one day you'll see it

If you want it you got it

You just got to believe

Believe in yourself

'Cause it's all just a game

We just want to be loved

The future's in our present hands

Let's reach right in

Let's understand

If you want it you've got to believe yeah

If you wnat it you got it

You just got to believe

Believe in yourself yeah

'Cause it's all just a game

We just want to be loved

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