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de Lenny Kravitz / an -


Little Mary was five years old

Her parents left her, she was out in the cold

Alone to live and find her way

In this great world of heartache and pain

Eyes of brown, matted locks of gold

Her flowered dress is tattered and soiled

Tear stained cheeks, her feet cold and bare

Who could have left a child so rare

Rosemary your day will come

He loved you so He gave His only son

Keep the faith in your soul

Stay down on your knees

I'm beggin you please

Hold onto the beads at your heart

A burning heart and tired eyes

Howling winds for lullabys

No one there to soothe her fright

Nowhere to turn but the inward light

Because life is for believing

That your heart can turn to gold

All you need is Christ to receive it

There's eternal life for every soul

Rosemary your day will come

He loved you so He gave His only son

Keep the faith in your soul

Stay down on your knees

I'm begging you please

Hold onto the beads at your heart

He loves you He needs you He wants you

So don't let Him down

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