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Promises Promises

de Madness / an -



I'll promise you a gift worth much more if not sold.

Half for you and half for me if I may act so bold.

I'll promise you a home that money cannot buy.

All good homely spirits walking by and by.

I'll promise you a world of making of amend,

And on our anniversary invite you round the bend.

I'll promise you a life it only takes a tick.

All the fruits of life carry you aboard my ship.

I'll promise you a world of making of amend,

And on the anniversary invite you round the bend.

Don't feign to me you're only acting when you care,

So I've decided on decisions that will not strike you very fair.

Let's devise a plan and we'll think about it twice,

Sketching watercolour paints, bury hatchets in the ice.

Don't feign to me you're only acting when you care,

So we decided on decisions that will not strike you very fair.

Let's devise a plan and we'll think about it twice,

Let's make mates merry, bury hatchets in the ice.

Don't feign to me you're only acting when you care,

So we decided on decisions that will not strike you very fair.

Now let's devise a plan and we'll think about it twice,

Let's make mates merry, bury hatchets in the ice.

Don't feign to me you're only acting when you care,

So we decided on decisions that will not strike you very fair.

Now let's devise a plan and we'll think about it twice,

Sketching watercolour paints, bury hatchets in the ice

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