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Gang Bang

de Madonna / pe M.D.N.A. / an -0001


Like a bitch out of order

Like a bat out of hell

Like a fish out of water

I'm scared, can't you tell

Bang bang

Bang bang

I thought you were good, but you painted me bad

Compared to the others, you're the best thing I had

Bang bang, shot you dead

Bang bang, shot you dead

I thought it was you and I loved you most

But I was just keeping my enemies closest

I made a decision I would never look back

So how did you end up with all of my jack

Bang bang, shot you dead

Bang bang, shot you dead (in the head)

Bitch out of order

Bat out of hell

Fish out of water

I'm scared, can't you tell

Bang bang, shot you dead

Bang bang, shot you dead

I made a decision I would never look back

So how did you end up with all of my jack

Bang bang, shot you dead

Bang bang, shot you dead

Bang bang, shot you dead

Shot my lover in the head

Bang bang, shot you dead

And I have no regret

Bang bang (shot you dead, in the head)

Bang bang, shot you dead

Shot my lover in the head

And then I discovered

It couldn't get worse

You were building my coffin

You were driving my hearst

Bang bang, shot you dead

Bang bang, in the head

I thought it was you and I loved you most

But I was just keeping my enemies closest

I made a decision I would never look back

So how did you end up with all of my jack

Bang bang, shot you dead (in the head)

Bang bang, shot you dead

Shot my lover in the head

Bang bang, shot you dead

And I have no regret

Bang bang (shot you dead, in the head)

Bang bang, shot you dead

Shot my lover in the head

I need you to die for me baby

You have to die for me baby

That's right, you have to die for me baby

How could I move on with my life

If you didn't die for me baby

If you didn't die for me baby

I need you to die for me baby

Bang bang, shot you dead

Shot my lover in the head

Bang bang, shot you dead

Shot my lover in the head

Bang bang, shot you dead

Shot my lover in the head

Now my lover is dead

And I have no regrets

He deserved it

And I'm going straight to hell

And I've got a lot of friends there

And if I see that bitch in hell

I'm gonna shoot him in the head again

'Cause I wanna see him die

Over and over and over and over and

Over and over and over and over

Now drive bitch

I said, drive bitch

And while you're at it, die bitch

That's right, drive bitch

Now drive bitch

I said, drive bitch

And while you're at it, die bitch

That's right, drive bitch

Now if you're gonna act like a bitch

Then you're gonna die like a bitch

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