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Planet Queen

de Marc Bolan / pe Electric Warrior / an 1998


The planet queen perchance to dream

She used my head like an exploder

The planet queen

The worlds the same I am to blame

She used my head like a revolver

The world's the same

Well it's all right

Love is what she want

Flying saucer take me away

Give me your daughter

Well it's all right

Love is what she want

Flying saucer take me away

Give me your daughter

Dragon head machine of lead

Cadillac king dancer in the midnight

Dragon head

The planet queen perchance to dream

She used my head like a revolver

The world's the same

Well it's all right

Love is what she want

Flying saucer take me away

Give me your daughter

Well it's all right

Love is what she want

Flying saucer take me away

Give me your daughter

The dragon head machine of lead

Cadillac king dancer in the midnight

Dragon head

The planet queen perchance to dream

She used my head like a revolver

The planet queen

Well it's all right

Love is what she want

Flying saucer take me away

Give me your daughter

Well it's all right

Love is what she want

Flying saucer take me away

Give me your daughter

Well it's all right

Love is what she want

Flying saucer take me away

Give me your daughter

Give me your daughter

Give me your daughter

Give me your daughter

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