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Blazing Away

de Marianne Faithfull / an -


So searching down and out looking for a place to stay

A place of no commitment, a place with no involvement.

I got one eye on insanity, the other on the wheel,

Ones turning, ones burning, blazing away.

Ones turning, ones burning, blazing away.

Strange-looking exile with a passion for the dangerous,

An eye for the wicked, a tongue for the nasty.

I got one eye on insanity, the other on the wheel,

Ones turning, ones burning, blazing away.

Ones turning, ones burning, blazing away.

What is the reason that things change ?

What is the reason they can never stay the same ?

What can I do, what can I do ?

Feel it, release it, things change.

Feel it, release it, things change.

Feel it, release it, things change.

What is the reason that things change ?

What is the reason they can never stay the same ?

What can I do, what can I do ?

Feel it, release it, things change.

Feel it, release it, things change.

Feel it, release it, things change.

So searching, down and out looking for a place to stay,

A place of no commitment, a place with no involvement.

I got one eye on insanity, the other on the wheel,

Ones turning, ones burning, blazing away.

Ones turning, ones burning, blazing away.

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