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Truth Bitter Truth


Where did it go to my youth,

Where did it fade away to ?

Who was it told the truth, the bitter truth,

The truth we didnt want to know ?

What is itdo you know ?

What is itcan I bear it ?

Who did itdo I care ?

Who is itwhen did it happen and where ?

Why did you let me know,

How could you think Id stand it ?

You knew Id pay you back,

I did it, and it happeneddo you care ?

Where did it go to, my youth ?

Where did it fade away to ?

Who was it told the truth, the bitter truth,

The truth we didnt want to know ?

Who is hedo you know ?

This man of power but a fool.

They said he was so high and pure,

They also said that he was cruel.

They killed him, did you see ?

They knew he couldnt take it.

They wanted lieshe said the truth.

They did itand it happenedwho cares ?

Where did it go to, my youth ?

Where did it slip away to ?

Who was it told the truth, the bitter truth,

The truth they didnt want to know ?

Why did you let me know,

How could you think Id stand it ?

You knew Id pay you back.

I did it, and it happeneddo you care ?

What is itdo you know ?

Who did itcan I bear it ?

Who did itdo I care ?

Who is itwhen did it happen and where ?

What is itdo you know ?

Who did itcan I bear it ?

Who did itdo I care ?

Who is itwhen did it happen and where ?

Where did it go to, my youth ?

Where did it slip away to ?

Who was it told the truth, the bitter truth,

The truth I didnt want to know ?

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