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(This may be dark, come on, i want you to meet my friend)

(Burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn)

burn the witches, burn the witches

don't take time to sew your stitches

burn the witches, burn the witches

Good is the thing that you favor, evil is your sour flavor

You cannot sedate all the things you hate


(Burn fucker)

Burn your bridges, burn your bridges

Don't take time to sew your stitches

Burn your bridges, burn your bridges

Good is the thing that you favor, evil is your sour flavor

I don't need your hate, I decide my fate (burn)

You cannot sedate all the things you hate (burn)

(burn burn burn burn fucker)

(burn, Ow, fucker, mother fucking bitch, ow)

(Burn burn, ha oww burn burn ha oww Burn, burn fucker!)

good is the thing that you favor, evil is your sour flavor

I don't need your hate!I decide my fate! (burn, fucker)

You cannot sedate, all the things you hate! (burn!)

I don't need your hate, i decide my fate (Ah! burn!)

(burn burn burn fucker, burn!

Burn, oooowww burn....YEAH!)

burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it

burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it

burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it! burn it! burn it!

Burn the witches, burn the witches,

Don't take time to sew the stiches,

Burn the witches (BURN IT! BURN IT!) Burn the witches!

Burn burn fucker

burn burn fucker

Burn burn burn burn burn.....fucker


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