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Not-So-Sweet Dreams


Sweet dreams are made of these

Who am I to disagree?

Traveled the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

Sweet dreams are made of these

Who am I to disagree?

Traveled the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

I wanna use you and abuse you

I wanna know what's inside you

Keep your head up, moving on

Hold your head up, moving on

Keep your head up, moving on

Hold your head up, moving on

Keep your head up, moving on

Moving on

Sweet dreams are made of these

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

I'm gonna use you and abuse you

I've gotta know what's inside

Can I use you and abuse you?

I've gotta know what's inside you

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