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de Marilyn Manson / an -


You want to look like me

You want to act like me

You've got no sense of your own identity

You can't begin to see

That you and me makes we

That's not what I want to be

Fuck you!

Imitation's not a flattery

So, you can't begin to feel

You can't begin to feel

You can't begin to feel

I said fuck you

I don't want to know you

I don't want to know

It's about time

I've made up my mind

Get out of my life, you motherfucker

It's about time, made up my mind

I'm taking what's mine, you motherfucker

You are made from things you steal from me

You can't begin to feel

You can't begin to feel

Can't begin to feel

So, fuck you!

You suck my energy, my personality

You steal, steal, steal from me

You can't begin to feel

You can't begin to feel

You can't begin to feel

Fuck you!

Imitation's not a flattery

So you're a pitiful thief

You're a pitiful thief

You're a pitiful thief

Fuck you!

I don't want to know you, I don't want to know

It's about time

I've made up my mind

Get out of my life, you motherfucker

It's about time, made up my mind

I'm taking what's mine, you motherfucker

You are made from things you steal from me

You can't begin to feel

You can't begin to feel

Can't begin to feel

Fuck you!

You want to worship me then just worship me

Don't even try to be

You're a fucking thief

You're a fucking thief

You're a fucking thief

Fuck you

Fuck you!

Imitation's not a flattery

So, you're a pitiful thief

You're a pitiful theif

You're a fucking thief

I don't want to know you

I don't want to know

I don't want to know you

I don't want to know you

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