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de Marilyn Manson / pe Tourniquet / an 1997


She's made of hair and bone and little teeth

and things that cannot speak

she comes on like a crippled plaything

her spine is just a string

I wrapped our love in all this foil

Silver tight like spider legs

I never wanted it to ever spoil

but flies will always lay their eggs

Take your hatred out on me

Make your victim my head

You never ever believed in me

I am your tourniquet

Prosthetic synthesis and butterfly

Sealed up with virgin stitch

If it hurts baby please tell me

Preserve the innocence

I never wanted it to end like this

But flies will lay their eggs

Take your hatred out on me

Make your victim my head

You never ever believed in me

I am your tourniquet

What I wanted, what I needed

What I got for me

What I wanted, what I needed

What I got for me

Take your hatred out on me

Make your victim my head

You never ever believed in me

I am your tourniquet

Take your, take your

Get up out of me

I'm not proud with me

I never ever believed in me

I am your tourniquet

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