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Dylan Murray verse:

I was on the grind I could hardly find

Time to be with you

You were always there but I never cared

Until you went away

Thinking back to then

What I should have done

To show you my love

I can't believe I let you

I can't believe I let you slip away

Are you gonna be ok?

I've been doing so much thinking about you

Fall asleep and I start dreaming about you

Are you gonna be ok?

I've been doing so much thinking about you

Fall asleep and I start dreaming

You were always mine then there came a time

You needed to be free

I didn't understand it wasn't in the plans

But I let you be

They say that if they love you and you let them go

They'll fly back one day

I can't believe I let you

I can't believe I let you slip away

Are you gonna be ok?

I've been doing so much thinking about you

Fall asleep and I start dreaming about you

Are you gonna be ok?

I've been doing so much thinking about you

Fall asleep and I start dreaming

Dylan Murray verse:

You always were so carefree in your way

You never let it get to you that way

And now you are so far

You're so far away

I hope you know what to do

I'll be thinking about you

Thinking about you

Are you gonna be ok?

I've been doing so much thinking about you

Fall asleep and I start dreaming

Are you gonna be ok?

I've been doing so much thinking about you

Fall asleep and I start dreaming about you

(Repeat three times)

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