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Spirit Indestructible


Through my one square foot window I see outside

I have chains on my feet, but not in my mind

I'll be dancing on till I see the sun outside

Don't know how long it will be

Can't stop me

I have have a spirit indestructible

A heart that loving was made for

A body that's a miracle

I have have a spirit indestructible

A heart that was made pure

Unbreakable and that's for sure

Unshakeable, so give me more

Through my tired eyes I say it's up for rain

With the medications, I erased my pains

There's a rhythm blowing through every thing

And the melody is never ending

I have have a spirit indestructible

A heart that loving was made for

A body that's a miracle

I have have a spirit indestructible

A heart that was made pure

Unbreakable and that's for sure

Unshakeable, so give me more

I'm loving me, I'm loving me

Take you away, take you away

You'll never break, you'll never break

I'm loving me, I'm loving me

Take you away, take you away

I'll never break, you'll never break

I have have a spirit indestructible

A heart that loving was made for

A body that's a miracle

I have have a spirit indestructible

A heart that was made pure

Unbreakable and that's for sure

Unshakeable, so give me more

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