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de New Found Glory / an -


im sorry

i heard about the bad news today

a crowd of people around you

tellin you its okay

and everything happens for a reason

when you lose a part of yourself

to somebody you know

it takes a lot to let go

every breath that you remember

pictures fade away

but memories forever

an empty chair at all the tables

and ill be seeing you when all my days boil down

but its better

where you're going anyway

im sorry

i heard about the bad news today

its really hard to get through

tough times and long days

but it really just depends on the season

when you lose a part of yourself

to somebody you know

it takes a lot to let go

every breath that you remember

pictures fade away

but memories forever

an empty chair at all the tables

and ill be seein you when all my days boil down

for now we'll say goodbye

you know its not the last time

ive lost the best part of my day

but its better

where you're going anyway

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