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My Boyfriend's Back

de Nikka Costa / an -


My Boyfriend's back and you're gonna be in trouble

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back) If you see him comin' better cut out on the double

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back) You've been spreadin' lies that I was untrue

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back) So look out now 'cause he's comin' after you

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back) Hey, he knows that you've bee tryin' And he knows that you've been lyin'

He's bee gona for such a long time (Hey la, hey la, my boyfriends back)

But new he's back and things'll be fine (Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

You're gonna be sorry you were ever born (Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

'Cause he's kinda big and he's awful strong (Hey la, hey la, my heyfriend's back)

Hey, he knows I wasn't cheatin' Now you're gonna get a beatin'

What makes you think he'd believe all your lies (hmmm)

You're a big man now, but he'll cut you down to size (hmmm)

Wait and see

My boyfriend's back he's gonna save my reputation

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back) If I were you I'd take a permanent vacation

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

Hey, he knows I wasn't cheatin' Now you're gonna get a beatin'

What makes you think he'd believe all your lies (hmmm)

You're a big man now but he'll cut you down to size (hmmm)

Wait and see

My boyyfriend's back, he's gonna save my reputation

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back) If I were you I'd take a permanent vacation

(Hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back)

Hey my boyfriend's back

So look out now 'cause my boyfriend's back

And I can see him comin'

So you better start a-runnin'

Yeah, yeah, yeah

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