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Another Spring


Angelo Badalamenti, John Clifford

Old people talk to themselves

When they sit all 'round all day

This old woman I knew

I used to go over there and sit with her

And she'd be sitting around

In a rocking chair talking to herself

And she used to say she used to say

Sometimes the cold gets in my bones so bad

Till I just don't think I can go

Yeah and for a little while well I don't care

If my days are coming to an end

And just as soon be gone sometimes

Sometimes the night comes down on me

And I know what's ahead

An evening in this cold old house

With no one to say goodnight to me when I go to bed

An evening in this cold old house

With no one to say goodnight to me when I go to bed


I wonder why I stay

What am I waiting for

My children are grown and gone away

They got children of their own now

Don't need me anymore

In winter when the streets are bare

There ain't nothing much to see

I just can't help missing and thinking

About that kindly man

That one old winter time came

And took away from me

And then one morning

Another spring is there outside my door

Things are blooming

Birds are singing

And suddenly yes well I ain't sad

Ain't sad no more ain't sad no more

When it's warm and the sun is out

It's like my heart's restored

I've had my love I've had my children

And I have so many memories

So don't mind me complaining

What the years may bring

Cos this old world has been fine with me really

And I'm thankful for seeing another spring

It's gonna be better this time another spring

It's gonna be groovier this time another spring

It's what's happening this time

So I'm thankful for letting me see another spring

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