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Moon Over Alabama


Kurt Weill, Bertolt Brecht

Show us the way to the next whiskey bar

Don't ask why

For we must find the next whiskey bar

Or if we don't find the next whiskey bar

I tell you we must die

I tell you we must die

I tell you

I tell you

I tell you we must die

Oh Moon of Alabama

We now must say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

And must have whiskey ... you know why

Oh Moon of Alabama

We now must say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

And must have whiskey ... you know why

Show us the way to the next dollar

Don't ask why

For we must find the next little dollar

Or if we don't find the next little dollar

I tell you we must die

I tell you we must die

I tell you

I tell you

I tell you we must die

Oh Moon of Alabama

We now must say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

And must have dollar or you know why

Oh Moon of Alabama

We now must say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

And must have dollar or you know why

Oh show us the way to the next little girl

Oh don't ask why

For we must find the next little girl

Or if we don't find the next little girl

I tell you we must die

I tell you we must die

I tell you

I tell you

I tell you we must die

Oh moon of Alabama

It's time to say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

We must have little girl or you know why

Oh moon of Alabama

It's time to say goodbye

We've lost our good old mama

We must have little girl or you know why

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