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de Nina Simone / an -


When life seems full of clouds and rain

I am filled with an awkward pain

Who soothes my achin', thumpin' brain?

- Nobody

When winter comes with snow and sleet

I'm so tired with cold feet

Who says: "Here's two bits Nina honey, go and eat?"

- Nobody

I ain't never done nothin' to nobody

I ain't never got nothin' from nobody, no time

And until I get me somethin', yes, from somebody, sometime

Well, I don't intend to do nothin'

For no body, no time

Now when winter comes all cool and clear

My friends they see me comin' near

Who says: "Come on in child and have a beer?"

- Nobody

When all day long things go amiss

I go home to find some bliss

Who hands to me a glowing kiss?

- Nobody

I ain't never done nothin' to nobody

I ain't never got nothin' from no body - no time

And until I get me somethin', from somebody, sometime

I don't intend to do nothin'

For no body, nobody, no time, no time, no body, no time!

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