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de OK Go / an -


I've been waiting for months, waiting for years, waiting for you to change.

Aw, but there ain't much that's dumber, there ain't much that's dumber

Than pinning your hopes on a change in another.

And I, yeah I still need you, but what good's that gonna do?

Needing is one thing, and getting gettings another.

So I been sitting around, wasting my time,

Wondering what you been doing.

Aw, and it ain't real forgiving, it ain't real forgiving

Sitting here picturing someone else living.

And I, yeah I still need you, but what good's that gonna do?

Needing is one thing, and getting gettings another.

I've been hoping for months, hoping for years, hoping I might forget.

Aw, but it don't get much dumber, it don't get much dumber

Than trying to forget a girl when you love her.

And I, yeah I still need you, but what good's that gonna do?

Needing is one thing, and getting gettings another.

When? When? Why not now? Why not me? Why not me?

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