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de Overkill / pe Relixiv / an 2005


When I feel the pressure rise

My heart beats through

The shadow of your hallow eyes, at any cost

When I steal into those eyes

Your sun beats through

To take me by complete surprise, and is all lost

And when I fear, what I hear

A voice cuts through the shadows

Like a razor knife, to pay the cost

To disappear, far to near

And cast a light that falls upon

My darkest night, but is all lost

Spill your sacred water

On your sacred ground

Chant your holy verse

Unbound, unbound

Sacrifice your daughter

Kill your fatted cow

Orchestrate the slaughter

It’s now, now

Keeper, blind to the godsend

Keeper, lives in your eyes

Keeper, strike as to offend

When all has gone away

Keeper, blind to the godsend

Keeper, lives in your skies

Keeper, strike and to defend

A keeper by your side

Spit your truth, upon the plate

That feeds the need

To justify without mistake

For god’s sake

Run your hope through my veins

That keeps us safe

And gives us faith to cleanse the pain

For our sake

Spill your sacred water

On your sacred ground

Chant your holy verse

Unbound, unbound

Sacrifice your daughter

Kill your fatted cow

Orchestrate your slaughter

It’s now, it’s now

Keeper, blind to the godsend

Keeper, lives in your eyes

Keeper, strike as to offend

When all has gone away

Keeper, blind to the godsend

Keeper, lives in your skies

Keeper, strike and to defend

A keeper by your side

Lock it up in liberty

Hide in sight for all to see

Called through night and purity

Kept in sight for you to be

Keeper, blind to the godsend

Keeper, lives in your eyes

Keeper, blind to the godsend

Keeper, lives in your eyes

Keeper, strike as to offend

When all has gone arye

Keeper, blind to the godsend

Keeper, lives in your skies

Keeper, strike and to defend

A keeper by your side

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