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3 Legs

de Paul McCartney / an -


Well when I walk, when I walk

On my horse upon the hill (when I walk the horse upon a hill)

Well when I walk, walk walk walk

On my horse upon the hill (when I walk the horse upon a hill)

And I lay me down

will my lover love me still

A Dog is here, (a dog is here), a dog is there (a dog is there)

My dog he got three leg

but he can't run

Well when I thought, well I thought

when I thought you was my friend (when I thought I could call you my


When I thought, when I thought

when I thought you was my friend (when I thought I could call you my


but you laid me down, put my heart around the bend

A fly flies in (a fly flies in), a fly flies out (a fly flies out)

most flies they got three leg, but mine got one.

Well when I fly when I fly when I fly,when I fly above the cloud

(when I fly above the man in the crowd)

Well when I fly when I fly when I fly,when I fly above the crowd

(when I fly above the man in the crowd)

You can knock me down with a feather, yes you could

but you know it's not allowed (but you know it's not allowed)

A Dog is here, (a dog is here), a dog is there (a dog is there)

My dog he got three leg

but he can't run

My dog he got three leg

Your dog he got none

My dog he got three leg

Your dog he got none

My dog he got three leg

Your dog he got none

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