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de Queen / an -


Hey Boy ,take a look at me

Let me dirty up your mind

Ill strip away your hard veneer

And see what i can find

The queerest of the queer

The strangest of the strange

The coldest of the cool

The lamest of the lame

The numbest of the dumb

I hate to see you here

You choke behind a smile

A fake behind the fear

The queerest of the queer

This is what he pays me for

Ill show you how its done

You learn to love the pain you feel

Like father , like Son

The queerest of the queer

Hide inside your head

The blindest of the blind

The deadest of the dead

Youre hungry cause you starve

While holding back the tears

Choking on your smile

A fake behind the fear

The queerest of the queer

I know whats good for you(U can touch me if U want)

I know youre dying to (U can touch me if U want)

I know whats good for you (U can touch me if U want)

But you cant stop

The queerest of the queer

The strangest of the strange

The coldest of the cool

The lamest of the lame

The numbest of the dumb

I hate to see you here

You choke behind a smile

A fake behind the fear

The queerest of the queer

The strangest of the strange

The coldest of the cool

Youre nothing special here

A fake behind the fear

The queerest of the queer

I know whats good for you

I know your dying to

I know whats good for you

I bet youre dying to

You can touch me if you want

You can touch me

But you can stop

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