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de Queen / an -


He's a fairy feller

The fairy folk have gathered round

the new moon shine

To see the feller crack a nut at nights noon time

To swing his axe he swears

As it climbs he dares to deliver...

The master stroke

Ploughman, Waggoner Will, and types

Politician with senatorial pipe -

He's a dilly dally-o

Pedagouge squinting, wears a frown

And the satyr peers under lady's gown,

Dirty fellow

What a dirty laddio

Tatterdemalion and a junketeer

There's a thief and a dragonfly trumpeter -

He's my hero

Fairy dandy tickling the fancy

Of his lady friend

The nymph is yellow

"Can we see the master stroke"

What a quaere fellow

Soldier, sailor, tinker, tailor, ploughboy

Waiting to hear the sound

And the arch-magician presides

He is the leader

Oberon and Titania watched by a harridan

Mab is the queen

and there's a good apothecary man

Come to say hello

Fairy dandy tickling the fancy

Of his lady friend

The nymph in yellow

What a quaere fellow

The ostler stares with hands on his knees

Come on Mr Feller

Crack it open if you please

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