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Twenty One

de Rage / pe 21 / an -0001


Hear the story of a loser, an adicted man.

He has spend his whole life gambling game called twenty one

Now I'm gonna win for sure hit me with an 8

All I have I'm bringing in, everything, that's right

High on emotion, spreads his wings to fly high

What the world would say if he'd be number one


And one day he'll win in shine and glory

He would be the lucky one

But for real it was a different story

Never hit a 21

Now the 3 is tumbling in not enough for me

6 is up and dealer smiled now there's gotta be

Back in the gutter there is nothing left, and

Once again he's falling from the highest ground


And one day he'll win in shine and glory

He would be the lucky one

But for real it was a different story

Never hit a 21

Back in the gutter there is nothing left, and

Once again he's falling from the highest ground


And one day he'll win in shine and glory

He would be the lucky one

But for real it was a different story

Never hit a 21

And one day he'll win in shine and glory

He would be the chosen one

But for real it was a different story

Never hit a 21, never hit a 21...

Hear the story of a loser, an adicted man

He has spend his whole life gambling ruled by 21

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