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Under Control

de Rage / pe End of All Days / an 2000


Music by P.Wagner, S. Efthimiadis, C. Efthimiadis.

Lyrics by P. Wagner.

Like a kiss of evil it took hold on me.

Creeping paranoia, it will get me day by day.

Like the deadly viper with it's poisoned teeth

it is getting in my blood, a killing brain desease.

Oh, no, the thrill became a curse,

oh, the right has turned to wrong.

It's just me, myself to blame,

yes I could have seen it coming.

Now I'm a wasted man

this is 'cause I am under control.

Inside a self built cage,

screaming out the rage, under control.

Enslave my soul, I'm under control.

I can't live without it and I need it now,

what is I know about it will destroy me anyhow.

I have lost my free will, it's enslaving me.

Face inside me mirror let me out and set me free.

Oh, no, the thrill became a curse,

oh, the right has turned to wrong.

It's just me, myself to blame,

yes I could have seen it coming.

Now I'm a wasted man

this is 'cause I am under control.

Inside a self built cage,

screaming out the rage, under control.

Enslave my soul, I'm under control.

Yes, I am

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