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Free The Child

de RANDY CRAWFORD / pe Permanent / an 2001


Can't we talk a while

It's been some time since I've

Seen you break a smile the way you used to

What ever happend to

The boy that I once knew

Acting up breaking the rules forever

Is there no mystery

A magic place for us to be

The so far away where only we belong

Did they steal your dreams from you

You know I will pull you through

And maybe love will help us to begin

To free the child within

To free the child within

What happened dreaming man

Is there a change of plan

Have you dreamed all you can

If not you should do

No matter what they say

They'll never take away

The burning flame will always stay inside you

So spread your wings and fly

And let the angels in your sky

Guide you through the clouds and with your eyes

You will see the waters clear

They will wash away your fear

Alle so open up your heart and let me in

To free the child within

To free the child within

To free the child within

To free the child within

Is there no mystery

A magic place for us to be

Free so far away where only we belong

Did they steal your dreams from you

The you know I will pull you through

And maybe love will help us to begin

Maybe love will help us to begin

To free the child within

To free the child within

To free the child within

To free the child within

To free the child within

To free the child within

To free the child within

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