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Happy Ending


I feel the hot wind blowin' from the west to the east

I feel the hot wind blowin', can't get no relief

I feel the hot wind blowin', ev'ry day and ev'ry night

I feel my confidence growin' and I know I'm gonna be alright

I see the volcanoes 'rupting and erupting, red walls of fire

I got corruption, seduction, destruction, reproduction

I got Las Vegas in my mind, seem like it's stuck up in there

Like it's been up there for all times

You can take your desert

Goddamn it, give me mine

'Cause I got Las Vegas in my mind

Through these portals, pass the rich and the famous

Through these portals, pass the very best at what they do

Man, they're the greatest, it's the land of giant women

But the little man is king, here in Las Vegas

Man, they got ev'rything, run with it

They got English girls with legs so long

You gotta use a stepladder to lick their love thing

It's a family place too now, so bring the kids along

They're gonna have a real good time here

They got wild women from Borneo

Playin' the piano in your bungalow

They got monkey women from the Amazon

Or something really funky from the lands beyond

They're here in Las Vegas

They're here in Las Vegas, Las Vegas


Man, I'm speaking in tongues

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