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Real World

de Richard Marx / pe Repeat Offender / an 1998


I remember me sittinÔÇÖ on my daddyÔÇÖs knee

DreaminÔÇÖ ÔÇÿbout what life had in store for me

When I look back now it really makes me mad

The years I took for granted were the best I had

School was alright

Gave me time to fantasize

But one day I woke up

And I realized

IÔÇÖm livinÔÇÖ in the real world

EverythingÔÇÖs written in black and white

LivinÔÇÖ in the real world

Where you donÔÇÖt get nothinÔÇÖ unless you fight

I wanna relax but I donÔÇÖt know how

The pressures on me are much stronger now

I remember the days I didnÔÇÖt have a care

Aside from being afraid somebodyÔÇÖd cut my hair

I wanna make it

Before my chances are gone

They say be patient

But it takes too long

IÔÇÖm livinÔÇÖ in the real world

EverythingÔÇÖs written in black and white

LivinÔÇÖ in the real world

Where you donÔÇÖt get nothinÔÇÖ unless you fight

Real world

Where there ainÔÇÖt no holiday in sight

LivinÔÇÖ in the real world

Where you donÔÇÖt get nothinÔÇÖ unless you fight

Someday soon IÔÇÖll settle down for good

There was a time I thought I never would

IÔÇÖm gonna live with a lady on a quiet beach

IÔÇÖm gonna have three kids, maybe one of each

IÔÇÖve got to make it

Before my chances are gone

They say be patient

But it takes too long

IÔÇÖm livinÔÇÖ in the real world

EverythingÔÇÖs written in black and white

LivinÔÇÖ in the real world

Where you donÔÇÖt get nothinÔÇÖ unless you fight

Real world

Where there ainÔÇÖt no holiday in sight

LivinÔÇÖ in the real world

Where you donÔÇÖt get nothinÔÇÖ unless you fight

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