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We're overheating in a small town world

We're overeating in a small town world

I hear the sound of several different crimes

The distant eel and the silver chimes

Lieutenant Hodges often said to me

"I see a shoal of them far out to sea"

A distant cormorant above the grey

It wheels in dots and then it falls away

A feather biro in a knotted clump

Performs a vixen with a feline hump

I wanna hold you in a solar globe

The way your body is beneath a robe

Bass, bass

The juicy flounder and the tender chub

Will swim around you when you leave the pub

Their mouths are open and they will not shut

Unless you kiss them all behind the hut

But don't go messing with a guy like Reg

He'll leave you gurgling behind the hedge

Bass, I'm talking about bass

Let me tell you about bass

You wanna ooze with a bass

The looming mullet and the wily bream

Are at the window with a quiet scream

The feisty barbel and the gruesome tench

Are decomposing on a yellow bench

There's something fluttering upon the sand

And all I wanna do is hold your hand

Bass, talking about a bass

Let me tell you about a bass

I wanna function with a bass


He'd never make love to a loaf of bread

Unless of course he found one in his bed

Now frogs are reproducing on your back

And bubbles keep emerging from a crack

It's not a cormorant it's not a shag

It's only something in a plastic bag

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