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You've got heaven

Heaven in your hand

You've got heaven

Running through your land

Why don't you fight for it?

You're right for it, you know

Why don't you kill for it

Get ill for it also?

You've got heaven

You've got heaven

You've got arms and you've got legs and you've got heaven

Heaven in your eyes

You've got heaven

Don't you recognize?

And when you wake for it

You'll ache for it all night

And when you dream for it

You'll scream for it all right

You've got heaven

You've got heaven

You've got arms and you've got legs and you've got heaven

You've got heaven

Every single time

You've got heaven

Every single climb

And when you seek for it

You peak for it all day

And when you choose for it

You'll ooze for it, I'll say

You've got heaven

You're just heaven

You're just heaven

You've got arms and you've got legs and you've got heaven

You've got arms and you've got legs and you've got heaven

You've got arms, legs, heaven

You've got arms, you've got legs, you've got heaven

You've got arms

You've got legs, and you've got heaven

Arms, use your legs, and you've got heaven

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