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de Sandy Denny / an -


Its been raining for a long time and I cant seem to stand

She left about an hour ago and so did the band

Im sitting at the bar, my face in the jar

And something tells me Im twisted

Whoa ho, sitting at the bar with my face in the jar

Something tells me Im twisted

People are looking hazy and people are looking dim

Id go for help if I could find the way I came in

I feel in clover, its time to keel over

Something tells me Im twisted

Whoa ho, sitting at the bar with my face in the jar

Something tells me Im twisted

Heres the one to lay you out with charlie in the trough

This ones got your name on it written in the froth

Draining the dregs, Im running out of legs

And something tells me Im twisted

Whoa ho, Im sitting at the bar with my face in the jar

Something tells me Im twisted

Whoa ho, sitting at the bar with my face in the jar

Something tells me Im twisted

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