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de STATUS QUO / an -


You messed up all of my plans
You gave zip, took with both hands
You play down whatever I do
I got stuffed dealing with you, oh

You don't hear half what I say
You break off, turning away
I make moves, keeping in tune
You make waves, always too soon, oh-oh

Ciao-ciao baby now, run around anyhow
Break down, leave town,pick on another sucker
Ciao-ciao show me how you can make it anyhow
I won't be around, you'll have to follow up
Another clown, next town, clean him out, run him round
Ciao-ciao baby now, you'd better find another
You'll find another sucker

You played nights, sleeping all day
You played all the money away
Your first love is living like this
Those shoes, and look at that dress, oh

You wind up all of my friends
You burn them off at both ends
I don't think I can recall
Your being humble at all, oh-oh

Ciao-ciao baby now, run around anyhow
Break down, leave town, we got another sucker
Ciao-ciao show me now you can make it anyhow
I won't be around, you'll have to follow up
Another clown, next town, meany-mouthed, running round
Ciao-ciao baby now, you'd better find another
You'll find another sucker

She's all right, dance all right
She's cool, she's all right

You played nights, sleeping all day
You played all the money away
Your first love is living like this
Those shoes, and look at that dress, oh-oh

Ciao-ciao baby now, run around anyhow
Break down, leave town, we got another sucker
Ciao-ciao show me now you can make it anyhow
I won't be around, you'll have to follow up
Another clown, next town, meany-mouthed, running round
Ciao-ciao baby now, youc12

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