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Changin' Me

de The Bee Gees / an -


Tell me what's going through your mind

Out of all the changes your making out , you find

Hey baby , that our love has gone away

I don't really want to leave ya but it's hard for me to stay

Everytime I turn around you're changing me

Draining all of my energy

Trying t make me something that I'll never be

Honey , set me free from this misery

It's tragic the things you feel inside

'cause it's killing me to know I don't keep you satisfied

'cause it's magic to think that love so sweet

You took my hand and made me feel life was so complete

Everytime I turn around you're changing me

Draining all of my energy

Trying to make me something that I'll never be

Honey, set me free from this misery

When I met you

You seemed to be so satisfied with everything in life

You promised me that you would always love me

If I were to make you my one and only one

Now lately it seems you're always trying to change me

Trying to rearrange me

Trying to make me into something that I'll never be

Changin' me and you know girl I just wanna be free

Rearranging me , changing me , you keep changing me

Draining all of my energy

Everytime I turn around you're changing me ,changing me

Trying to turn me into something that I'll never be

Honey, changing me , changing me ,want to change me girl

I just wanna be me , I just wanna be free

You keep coming 'round trying to change me ,changing me

(ad lib and fade out )

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