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Secret Life

de The Corrs / an -


Transcribed by peter shevlin

From red giant to supernova,

Back to you and me,

A cloaked entity within a virtual reality,

Mechanised and organised,

To me it's plain to see,

The hand that's been busy, weaving fantasy,

It's so hard to understand,

And often we are blind,

But if truth were an ocean would it fit in the pool of a human mind,

You're all alone,

And it doesn't seem quite fair,

Why we're all left in ignorance,

Turning to despair turning to despair,

Philosophy and theology offer us a glimpse

At something more incredible, incredible,

Than you and i,

So call on the secret life,

Call on the secret life,

Show me the way of life,

Bring on the secret life,

Evangelists, scientologists, and others i won't mention,

Offer lessons in codology to all with good intention, intention,

Listen at your peril, put your soul in detention,

Resensitise yourself to this incredible dimension,

When you're all alone,

And it doesn't seem quite fair,

Why we're all left in ignorance,

Turning to despair, turning to despair,

Philosophy and theology offer us a glimpse,

At something more incredible, incredible,

Than you and i,

So call on the secret life,

Call on the secret life,

Show me the way of life,

Bring on the secret life,

I think, therefore i am

I think, therefore i am

And you're all alone,

And it doesn't seem quite fair,

Why we're all left in ignorance,

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