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Do y'know what you look like

Before you go out?

But I say happy memories

Leave a bitter taste

I need a good brainwash agent

To cut out this present shout of:

Do y'know what you look like

Before you go out?

That's why you eat crap food

That's why nobody talks to you

That's why you messed up everything you do

Do y'know what you look like

Before you go out?

Look Know


He was the first one to wear a flying jacket and go to a club

And she has the general policy of not being seen dead in a pub

Straight-leg jeans when she goes out

There's a microbe attached to their brains that itches

And gives a morning shout

Do y'know what you look like

Before you go out?

But I say happy memories leave a bitter taste

I got a prison in me

Our bodies weren't made for times like these

I always have a wash

And that's enough

Do y'know what you look like

Before you go out?

You gotta know what you look like nowadays

Before you go out

Or some existential crap will write about you

They say don't drink alcohol!

You gotta know what you look like, oh!

Before you go out

Know, look, look

But I say get it down yer neck

Ein beer

And I will you and you attack attack

Pure Satre food

Catchment club

Do y'know what you look like

Before you go out?

With all the fashions you filched off faggots

With all the fashions you filched off faggots

Do y'know what you look like

Before you go out?

Here's health!

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