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de The Fall / pe Early Singles / an 2002


Right noise.

We're gonna get real speedy

You gotta wear black all the time

You're gonna make it on your own.

Cos we dig

Cos we dig

We dig

We dig repetition

We dig repetition

We've repetition in the music

And we're never going to lose it.

All you daughters and sons

who are sick of fancy music

We dig repetition

Repetition on the drums

and we're never going to lose it.

This is the three R's

The three R's:

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

Oh mental hospitals

Oh mental hospitals

They put electrodes in your brain

And you're never the same

You don't dig repetition

You don't love repetition

Repetition in the music and we're never going to loose it

President Carter loves repetition

Chairman Mao he dug repetition

Repetition in China

Repetition in America

Repetition in West Germany

Simultaneous suicides

We dig it, we dig it,

we dig it, we dig it

Repetition, repetition, repetition

Repetition, repetition, Regal Zonophone

There is no hesitation

This is your situation

Continue a blank generation

Blank generation

Same old blank generation

Groovy blank generation

Swinging blank generation

Repetition, repetition, repetition....

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