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Anyone Else

de The Fixx / an -


Lack of words, lack of reach

We're in to weapons when the powerless speak

It's a small game, with a big deduction

A fools parade, over the blown, when will we know?

That we should seek what we've sown

Is what you'll read (?)

Open doors, random keys

When we find ourselves, where shall we be?

Devil knowledge, headless state

Taking on, as we debate

When will know what we should see?

For what we saw, you know you'll read(?)

Running mind, howling banshee

No more a fugitive than you or I

The jealous cursed, crashed and burned

Beyond a countable way to die

When will know what we should see?

To what we saw, you know we'll read

When will know what we have lost

For what we've seen, it's final cost

I can only be myself

I can't be anyone else but me

Please don't need anyone else

Vlease don't be anyone else

You can't be

When will we know, what we have caused

The new chance rain, is it already lost?

When will we know?

I can only be myself

I can't be anyone else but me

When will we know?

I can only be myself

I can't be anyone else but me

Anyone else

When will we know?

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