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de The Fixx / pe Reach the Beach / an 1990


Chased by fools in a world of their own

Pushing aside oil the signs that inspire

Avoiding the art, to create a new issue

Someone with handcuffs who's chained to the past

If I'm changing then I'm changing

Take off your mask there's no place in my desk file

For someone who reasons - regardless of new styles

Settled on a handshake, my first mistake

It's my life and I say

What for this, this what for?

I don't need those looks so pick your face off the floor

Justice may prove we should wait not provoke

To entertain must we stick to the rules?

If I'm changing oh won't you please let go

Trapped by rules ira world that could breathe

Choking the spark, that creates -- am I signing a new lease?

Ask yourself why before raising dead issues

You are someone who's lost touch and died in the clasp

I settled for a handshake my first mistake

It's my life and I say

What for this, this what for

I don't need those looks so pick your face off the floor

Justice may say we should wait not provoke

To entertain must we stick to the rules?

If I'm changing oh won't you please let go (repeat)

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