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Hey You

de Thin Lizzy / pe Chinatown / an 2001



You're living in a small town

The people there are cold

Just living in a small town

Just doing as you're told

You move up to the jungle

You find that it's a hell

When you slip, you fall, you stumble

They lock you in a cell

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, all your friends told you in your small town

Hey you, you've got it made

Just living in your home town

Sometimes it's kinda cruel

Living in your home town

Where they treat you like a fool

You move up to the city

You find that it's tough

And it doesn't seem very pretty

Now you're sleeping in the rough

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you

You've got it made

Hey you

You're heading for the big time

Hey you, you've got it made

You're headed for a life of crime

Living in this jungle

It's like living in a hell

When you slip, you fall, you stumble

They lock you in a cell

You move out to the country

For something you have done

You're living in the country

Why don't you go back to where you come from?

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, you've got it made

Hey you, you've got it made

Forget all these backslappers

You don't stand a chance

Why don't you go home?

Go right back to where you come from

Don't get involved in this masquerade

This big city is going to eat you up

All the backslapping

Hey you, you've got it made

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