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Johnny (Lynott)

de Thin Lizzy / an -



Somewhere on the waterfront Johnny's hiding with a gun

Swears he'll kill any man that tells his story

He's not sorry for what he's doen

He broke into a drugstore

To cure his daily need

He didn't mean to shoot the guard

But he was blinded by the greed

Oh Johnny

You see that nun, she's his sister

She doesn't know that he's gone bad

When they told it to his father

It drove the old man mad

Just as his mother warned him

From her dying bed

It's alright to lose your heart

But never lose your head

Oh Johnny

Now the cops have got him surrounded

And he doesn't stand a hope

He wonders how he could be in so much trouble

Over just a little dope

Five to one he gets away

That's the odds I'm going to give

Five to four they blast him away

Three to one he's going to live

Oh Johnny

Back in the alley where he was slain

I thought I heard something move

Beside the trash can lay a heart and chain

The picture had been removed

Just another juiced up junkie

Looking for a bed

It's alright to lose your heart

But never lose your head

Oh Johnny

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