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de Thin Lizzy / pe Life Live / an 2001


He's just a boy that his lost his way
He's a rebel that has fallen down
He's a fool been blown away
To you and me he's a renegade

He's a clown that we put down
He's a man that doesn't fit
He's a king but not in this town
To you and me he's a renegade

But he is a king when he's on his own
He's got a bike and that's his throne
And when he rides he's like the wind
To you and me he's a renegade

He's just a boy who has lost his sights

He's a stranger, prowls the night
He's a devil, that's right
To you and me he's a renegade

Check it out, check his face
Look at his eyes, they're so sly
I wonder why he cries from the inside
I wonder why he's a renegade

Oh please, i'm on my begged bended knees
Oh please, please heed my call
He's just a boy that has lost his way
He's just a boy, that's all

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