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June '84



I want more clear agreements and less sex

I want you to call me more often

I want you to tell me you believe in me just a bit

Im not asking much but for sure 

I want to know why you decided to break off

abruptly Id like to hear from you sometimes

I want to know who you really are

Forgetting about the rest 

Until the day before yesterday, when you used to leave me alone

YouÔÇÖd have a present for me on coming back home

And I cheered up and you felt better

In that present I hid my need

And now I repent, I repent

A dream thatÔÇÖs gonna be

A little nicer, nicer

For me

And if I recall your look

Of June ÔÇÖ84

YouÔÇÖll always be my regret

I was secretly clever

Behind my drawings and your radio

Dreams advertised on TV

While joy was full at work

I hope forgetting the way I was

I freezeÔǪ leaving behind whatÔÇÿs black

Good for masking unhappiness

My love always incognito

Until the day before yesterday, when I was left alone

Dawn was an enemy

And my sofa a starship

I played volley with the whole world

And did it gently in order not to disturb you

And now I repent, I repent

A dream thatÔÇÖs gonna be

A little nicer, nicer

For me

And if I recall your look

Of June ÔÇÖ84

YouÔÇÖll always be my regret

And looks, wrong moves

Portraits, New Years

Go by

Happy as no one else

In July ÔÇÖ91

Thanks to you

And now I repent, I repent

A dream thatÔÇÖs gonna be

A little nicer, nicer

For me

And if I recall your look

Of June ÔÇÖ84

YouÔÇÖll always be my regret

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