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Be There

de U2 / an -


You don't have to break your heart

In two my love

You don't have to play a part

It's you I love

You don't have to hide from yourself

You don't have to be someone else again

You don't have to rescue me

You don't have to watch me drown

You don't have to give to me

All I want is you

Be there, my love

Be there, tonight

Be there, my love

Be there, tonight

You don't have to dress yourself up

Or stay the same

You don't have to smile

If I say smile

You don't have to be the best

You don't have to give me rest

All I want is all you have

Nothing else


Be there, my love

Just be there, my love

If you want the whole of me

That's all you'll get

I'll sing this song

I'd give my health

Give it all

You don't have to...

Ah, she comes on by

She says, I need you, my love

Ah, she says, all I want is you

You don't have to play your little game

If I fall apart

You don't have to work those strings

Or do those things

You're enough in my heart

You don't have to hide from yourself

You don't have to be someone else

All I want is all you have

All I want is you

Be there, my love

Be there, tonight

Be there, my love

Be there, tonight

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