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Spanish Eyes

de U2 / an -


Wey hey hey, baby hang on

Wey hey hey, baby hang on

Empty heart, beat tight as a drum set

Empty love, she'd shine like a song

Wey hey hey, baby hang on (to anything)

Our love shines like rain

In those spanish eyes

Spanish eyes

Wey hey hey, here she comes

She comes in colors

You know she gonna turn the daylight on

'cause I love the way you talk to me

And I love the way you walk on me

And I need you more

Oh, than you need me

Our love shines like rain

In those spanish eyes

Spanish eyes

I'll cross the world for green and gold

But it's those Spanish eyes

That get me home...home again

Wey hey hey, baby hang on

Wey hey hey, you know that

The night is young

Dazzled by lights that shine in your eyes

I'm standing in the shadows

And wait for the night

Forever in fever, forever in heat

You pick me up to put me out on the street

Wey hey hey, baby hang on, hang on

Wey hey hey, baby hang on, hang on

'cause I love the way you talk to me

And I love the way you're mean to me

And I need you

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