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de UFO / an -


Imaginations running wild

Im a man, not a child

Cant seem to make something of my life

Here I go again, down, down, down

So you want to be someone

But my love, you just dont know

Im chasing, but some mans making

Its just bringing me down, no no no

Im chasing, some mans making

Its just bringing me down

In conversations, about who you are

The way you talk, boy, youre the star

Cant seem to make something of my life

Here I go again, down, down, down,

So you want to be someone

But my love, it just dont run

Im chasing, some mans making

Its just bringing me down, no no no

Im chasing, some mans making

Its just bringing me down

Im chasing, some mans making

Its just bringing me down,

Im chasing, but some mans making

Its just bringing me down


Im chasing, but some mans making

Its just bringing me down, no no no

Im chasing, but some mans making

Its just bringing me down down down down

Im chasing, but some mans making

Its just bringing me down,

Im chasing, but some mans making

Its just bringing me down down down

(more instrumental)

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