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Beats Workin


Here today, gone later today.

I've been reading what the bloggers say.

How about a great big slice for me?

Otherwise or professionally.

Beats workin'.

Startin' up in my feet.

Goes to workin'

On the rest of me.

Live this life of luxury

Sho-nuff beats workin' for me.

Kid'll land on his feet

If he don't land on his seat.

This beats workin' baby

'Cause I'm red hot

Baby like it or not.

Don't you know that

This beats workin' baby

'Cause I'm red hot

Baby like it or not.

One empty floor

Stands between the stage

And the welfare door.

Heads or tails

Of the same bread.

Coin of the realm

Just like the man said

Beats workin'.

Starting up all in my feet.

Goes to workin'

On the rest of me.

Got a feelin' all in my head.

Try to do it

Like the good book said.

Kid'll land on his feet

If he don't land on his head.

This beats workin' baby

'Cause I'm red hot

Baby like it or not.

Don't you know that

This beats workin' baby

'Cause I'm red hot

Baby like it or not.

(Solo 1 & 2)

This beats workin' baby.

This beats workin' baby.

This beats workin' baby

'Cause I'm red hot

Baby like it or not.

(Solo 3)

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