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de Vanilla Ice / an -



It was an average night backstage at a show

I seen this girlie that I knew, she was a cutie and Yo!

She had it goinÔÇÖ on from her head to her feet

Her shape was so petite, and so unique

Her eyes flamed with passion like she was possessed

As I shivered and quivered while she rubbed on my chest

ÔÇÿSlaved and engraved I couldnÔÇÖt scream

Moaning and groaning like she could take on the A-Team

I was one of many that sheÔÇÖd choose

Do me, pursue me, twice as nice, but donÔÇÖt refuse

Leaving her breathless as the sweat poured on

The spot that I was in was so soft and warm

This was far from a story you will find in a book

Hot off the platter, and boy, could she cook

RoastinÔÇÖ my body it left a stain in my brain

And all I kept sayinÔÇÖ to myself was

Stop that rain, I wanna get off

Stop that rain, I wanna get off

Oh my god, what have I got into?

Sooner or later I thought sheÔÇÖd get the clue

ÔÇÿCause my body was tired and full of sweat and perspire

The situation I was in couldÔÇÖve startÔÇÖd a campfire

No more skeezinÔÇÖ and teasinÔÇÖ for the Ice right now

I found me a corner, play it cool for a while

Just mackinÔÇÖ and scheminÔÇÖ on a woman I thought was cool

But now I realize that the Ice was the fool

ÔÇÿCause a woman will play you, lay you and obey you

You better watch your back, ÔÇÿcause a woman will slay you

Not to mention the one who got me

Yea, she got me, the I-C-E

But, back to the story of a one-night stand

I thought I was strong but she was He-Man

LovinÔÇÖ every second tryinÔÇÖ to make me blush

And all ÔÇÖn all it was for the lust

I thought, she was an angel and soft as a cream puff

Until I seen her come out with the whip and handcuffsÔÇÖ

BreathinÔÇÖ down my neck I was scared to death

The sweat from my body as it rolls down my neck

And out of all nights, where was my crew?

ÔÇÿCause this was somethinÔÇÖ I didnÔÇÖt know what to do

D already told me that the girlie was strange

But I didnÔÇÖt know until she pulled out the chains

WalkinÔÇÖ and stalkinÔÇÖ towards me with a plan

And now I regret all the things I was sayinÔÇÖ

Now the moment is critical, so what should I do?

Leave while I can, or just takt the abuse

Now IÔÇÖm drippinÔÇÖ with sweat, Why? ÔÇÿCause IÔÇÖm afraid

Handcuffs and chains is a game I donÔÇÖt play

No doubt in my mind that the girlie is the boss

Stop that rain, ÔÇÿcause I wanna get off

Stop that rain, I wanna get off

Stop that rain, I wanna get off

Later on that night as is got worse

My bodyÔÇÖs steaminÔÇÖ up and I was ready to burst

She had me hot as a skillet taken from a flame

And my admission was free for me to ride on this train

Yea, I must admit to myself, it was fun

But, now IÔÇÖm lookingÔÇÖ for my shoes, IÔÇÖm ready to run

So, now IÔÇÖm hopinÔÇÖ and prayinÔÇÖ for the moment to come

ÔÇÿCause I couldnÔÇÖt move and my body was numb

So, now what have I done to get myself into this?

It started from a kiss, now IÔÇÖm ready to resist

I couldnÔÇÖt take it no more, on the bed, or the floor

My knees were gettingÔÇÖ weak and my back was gettingÔÇÖ sore

The room was destroyed, not to mention my body

Why did I ever tell her to ÔÇ£Pump it, Hottie?ÔÇØ

What could I do to just ease the pain?

I think IÔÇÖll let the hook just try to explain

Stop that rain, I wanna get off

Stop that rain, I wanna get off

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