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Tomorrow Cabinet

de Various / an -



I see so many golden women

When they walk their feet don't

Touch the ground

How I want, How I want to deserve you

Me I'm always out of rythm

My needs to demanding, too proud

How I want, How I want to deserve you

I did not want you to see me like this

lying in the dark and being cruel

How I want, How I want to deserve you

And if I could be granted a wish

I would shine in your eyes like a jewel

How I want to deserve you

I would die for you

Could you love me that much

How I want, How I want to deserve you

Yes, you tell me this

And I want to believe that it is true

How I want

How I want to deserve you

I did not want you to see me like this

I am week and I fight like a fool

How I want

How I want to deserve you

And if I could be granted a wish

I'd shine in your eyes like a jewel

How I want to deserve you

If I could be your rainbow,

I'd trade in my arms for sunbeams

To keep you close to me

And if I could trade my voice

for the silence I know that you need

How I want

How I want to deserve you

I did not want you to see me like this

So frightened of losing so soon

How I want

How I want to deserve you

And if I caught our love in a bridge

Just tell me without shaking lose

How I want to deserve you

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