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Devil's Right Hand


(Webb... spoken)

"We have never deliberatly enjoyed any association with

Satanism, the occult, Jimmy Page's photo collection,

Mephestopholies, Belzebub. The reason we'd like to make

This disclaimer, is because the next musical composition

Is called the Devil's Right Hand."

Bout the time that daddy went to fight the great war

I saw my first pistol in the general store

The general store when I was thirteen

I thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen

Asked if I could have one someday when I grew up

Momma dropped a dozen eggs she really blew up

She really blew up she didn't understand

Momma said a pistol is the devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

Momma says a pistol is the devil's right hand

My first pistol was a cap and ball Colt

It shoots as fast as lighnin'... loads a might slow

Loads a might slow... I shoulda found out

It'll get you into trouble but it can't get you out

Bout a year later got a Colt.45

They called it Peacemaker I never knew why

I never knew why... I didn't understand

Momma says a pistol is the devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

Momma says a pistol is the devil's right hand

Well I got into a card game in a company town

I caught a man cheatin'... I shot the dog down

Shot the dog down... watched the man fall

Never touched his holster never had the chance to draw

The trial was in the mornning and they drug me outta bed

They asked me how I pleaded Not guilty I said

Not guilty I said... you got the wrong man

Nothing touched the trigger but the devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

Momma says a pistol is the devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

The Devil's right hand

Momma says a pistol is the devil's right hand

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